It is expected that desk duty supervisors will read through the desk duty folder prior to the commencement of any games. HKFC personnel will have the HKNA Kit Bag in hall. At Western Park (WPk) and Wong Chuk Hang (WCH) please retrieve HKNA Kit Bag from the Venue Management.

The desk duty supervisor will carry out the following duties:

·         Arrive at the venue in sufficient time to set up for the games (at least 10 minutes before the start of the first game).

·         Keep central time for all matches and sound the bell.  Make the HKNA First Aid Kit available to players.

·         Have a score sheet with clipboard and pen available before each game and check they are returned at the end of each game and are correctly completed.

·         Ensure umpires clearly print their name and sign the umpiring record sheet before the relevant game is commenced. T

·         This sheet will be used by HKNA for any points/fine deduction. 

·         Leave the umpiring record sheet in the folder for collection by the Umpiring Convenor.

·         Hand game ball to umpire and ensure it is returned at the end of each game.  

·         Email results to HKNA League Convenor the following day –

·         Fax the results to the HKNA Office on number 2577 5694

·         Place the score sheets and umpiring log into the self addressed stamped envelope and post the next day.

·         Log any issues arising with HKNA no later than 24 hours after the games.

Teams are responsible for ensuring that all courts and surrounds are left clean and tidy. Please take all rubbish and put in the bins provided outside the hall.

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